hi, can i speak to yui please?
yes speaking.
well, about your strata report, the firm we usually commission don't do strata reports anymore, that's why your strata report is late.
ohh uhh ok, as long as the report is quality, and more importantly, gives me peace of mind, but i don't like that it's taking so long not to mention the vendor's getting impatient, so he's getting his minions to call me every so often. Two Pronged attack!
Two pronged attack?
yeah two pronged attack, late strata report and this Mr King fella with his piece-of-shit-deep-husky-real-estate-agent voice.
oh well, we'll keep you updated about your strata report, talk to you soon.
thanks mate, laters!
Buying a place is very daunting, there are so many people you have to deal with and when your hard earned cash is involved it gets a little personal.
My solicitor, he's nice, explains everything to me in fine detail and he feels like my bestest friend in the whole widest world.
On the way home from our first meeting I couldn't help but smile at how helpful this guy is...
but he
i'm paying this fool good money. His english is a little broken and he's got what looks like smoke-stained teeth but he sounds like he knows his stuff. He's got a picture of his 6 year old daughter on his desk, so he doesn't have the heart to jack me up, i KNOW what his daughter looks like.
i don't wanna be jacked up.
not long now friends.
update y'all soon.