Wednesday, May 04, 2005

iddy biddy

Some dude crack my jaw with his shoulder and floored me a few times last night in basketball.

I know why.

He got upset when I laughed after sinking a shot.

Wasn’t my fault, a friend of mine pulled a funny face on the sideline.


My car has well and truly bitten the bullet.

Driving down George street like someone just smoke bombed my car, I was getting sideways glances and turned a few heads.

Come on guys, it’s just a camry. (I thought)

I take a quick look in the rear view and I see thick white smoke billowing from the back of my car.


Just. Fucking. Great.

It's definately Goneski.


A friend of mine was complaining that he was too boring.

What does that really mean though?

I think..

Two things.

One, it’s a difference between those who are more and those who are less experienced in different facets of life. It could be about your travels, you job, everyday encounters etc.

Two, you may have good experiences to talk about, but if you’re an introvert then you’d be less likely to articulate those experiences as opposed to someone that’s extroverted.

Ideally those who are extroverted and well experienced tend to be interesting.

No one's BORN interesting and vice versa.

If you don’t have experiences to draw upon but you’re quick thinking, you can make up crap. A branch off making up your own stories/crap is that you need be a good and consistent story teller. Some writers say that it’s not what you write about, it’s how you write it.

It’s all in the delivery my friends.


Anonymous said...

how about a picnic?

mp floor

Anonymous said...

good idea
are u organising myle?