Wednesday, July 05, 2006

splish splash bzzzzT!

so, i find my inspiration either writing an entry during my work day or getting slightly intoxicated.


i've had 3 beers after NSW suffered a come back defeat at the hands of the maroons. what a drag. i don't feel that much more inspired, but the state of my condition has urged me write this.


a friend of mine took great offense when, during a conversation at an event called, "the orientation of a savvy lifestyle", that all accountants were boring, she being the accountant and all.

that's been a stereotype since the beginning of time, but being a pseudo accountant myself. i'm not qualified or anything but i do know my debits from my credits and being in the industry for the last 4 and a half years, i could see why it could change the most dynamic bad to the bone wild child mofo to a dull scarf knitting, scone eating, scrabble playing submissive............ being.

i'm at a crossroad in my career. the good news is, i've decided to move along, try something different, i'm probably not the most talented person this side of sydney, but i'll give it a red hot go. why not, like they all say, life's short, work hard and play harder.

the bad news is, i've realised i've been pigeon holed, branded an accountant with a lack of experience that'll make me a valuable asset in the chosen career that i've decided to switch over to.

job agencies tell me this all the time. 9 out of 10 agencies will try place you in a simular type of role, make themselves a quick buck. fortunately for me, i've stumbled onto an agency that kinda cares, or at least i think they do.

little steps, i tell myself, why swim in the deep end if you can't swim? i thought about this, when faced with dire consequences most people rise to the occassion and pull a rabbit out of their buttocks. eg QLD in the decider tonight against NSW.

Some of these bad ass roles i've been put forward for are ocean deep. What do you do? what do i do? focus! 'anything's achievable', i tell myself.


Anonymous said...

ummma. isn't a certainly lovely lady knitting a lovely black scarf??

yui said...

she doesn't knit, she crochets!


Chip said...

Great attitude Yui! Keep at it mate, I know you'll get that role you're after.

millimilli said...

That's the way, (I'm starting to need floaties.) It's the only way to go, guaranteed you won't get bored!

Beckster said...

Take it easy on your 'dull scarf knitting' comments there mofo! I'm a qualified CA AND have just knitted a dark grey scarf and will deny with my last dying breath anything to do with boring, dull or submissive. Eww.

Maybe the fact that I have not an iota of clue about debits and credits is a redeeming factor? Swimming with sharks in the deep end is fun, provided you don't get your leg eaten off. Enjoy it whilst you have no other burdens but yourself and can afford to jump at any time.

yui said...

wow, scarf knitters coming out of the closet!

i wasn't taking a dig at any collective, scarf knitting sort of just popped on the screen as i wrote.

i don't mean to offend :)

Jumping the jump, 2nd interview's on monday!