Monday, March 30, 2009

so they're onto us

march 31st marks the day the brits decided to up the slam dunk highly skillful visa requirements.

being one of those people who decided not to return to to nab a highly skillful masters degree, has consequentially shafted me an opportunity to return to the land of the britons and enjoy: breakfast teas, ride on red double decker buses, black cabs, row boats around universities whilst reciting poetry and cold, cold winters.

first thoughts: sad panda, no bamboo.

on second thoughts, screw the brits, i'll goto canada, who are welcoming us aussies with open arms, to enjoy: tegan & sara, the raptors, the maple leafs, niagra falls, french-esque-ness, big bears and cold, cold winters!


1 comment:

Chip said...

Don't forget the good snowboarding! :)