Tuesday, August 20, 2002

today, i realised the true meaning of the word "routine", as it stands, my
life is like "ground hog day" playing on repeat mode.

i have lunch almost exactly the same time, walk through the same malls, on most days, i have the same lunch, only because everything else is rather unhealthy and after lunch, i go window shopping in exactly the same stores.

i struggle to remember what goes through my head during my lunches, it's the only time i have to myself.

i'm off in a daze when i'm strolling through GBs.

i want to buy that dvd, but when would i watch it?

i'm wearing my suit, i feel rather confident, my light blue shirt and my somewhat checkered tie. i glance at people as if they are below me, that's not true though.

i search for a gift, for a friend, she's turning 24. i see a filofax, it's in a glass cabinet, i can't see the price, but i know it's pricey, it's brown, leather, some parts suede.
i won't buy it today, perhaps tomorrow, i said that yesterday as well.

it's nearly 3:30, i make my way back to the office, as i approach the front door i see chris, he's going to get some food, gee - that's a late lunch, no - i was wrong, he went to the gym during his lunch hour, he just needs some food now, fair enough.

i sip my low fat milk, i'm lactose intolerant, i like milk, it's low fat, but not skim, skim is kinda gross.
lactose intolerant, i'm not certain though, but my stomach makes alien like noises after drinking - i guess that's what lactose intolerance means, i'm probably wrong again, sometimes when i drink too much i need to use the bathroom.

i want to glorify myself, i thinner now, but i don't have abs, all of a sudden i don't have anything to write about, i could have said the same thing at the beginning of this entry, did i spell beginning right? hope so, i did, i just ran a spell check on it, i think faster than i type, that's why i'm never a good writer, it sounds right in my head, but when i translate what goes on in my head through my fingertips and onto this computer screen, a lot of it is just plain gibberish.

i just remembered i owe my friend $110 - i haven't forgotten, i ought to pay him back, i don't have music playing either, i usually do.

i want to talk more about myself, but i don't know where to start, i'm sure i have a lot to say about myself, i'm sure i'm the best person to ask about myself, don't you think?

five for fighting's superman is playing at the moment.

my friend's sister's friend just messaged me on msn - i'm going to say hello.

this is the end of my entry. more about myself in my next post

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